Thursday, August 26, 2010

I miss being addicted

I miss being addicted
Choosing not to be restricted
Addiction creates an irresistible solution
for a problem it caused-psychological torture and mental pollution.
It creates the need and the urge to satisfy it.
forcing you to take great pains to falsely gratify it.
I miss being addicted
laughing at the healthy ones, thinking they're the ones who are restricted.
Erase the addicted behavior
and you no longer need a savior
to rescue you from the need created by your drug of choice
but the months go by and my sober self is not so eager to rejoice
because i find myself reminiscing
on the good times I am missing
with those wild, self-indulgent, hedonistic people
whose mothers' hearts are often penetrated by the steeple
I miss my favorite sidekick with no skin
Is it true that every addiction is a sin?
Erase the addiction and emptiness ensues
You get the blues
No need to satisfy feels unsatisfactory
Needing nothing is a hard state of mind to embrace
and quite out of place
in this often needy, greedy, addicted human race.
Dear thoughts, energy, time, money, love, and desire,
Please find something healthy to crave
and then I shall be saved.

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